Agri Food
Apollo Fruit | Carter Holt Harve | Craigmore | Dairy Meats NZ | DB Breweries | Farmlands | Firstlight | Fonterra | Fresh Cuts | Goodman Fielder | Masterpet Corporation | McDonalds | Moana | New Zealand King Salmon | Ngai Tahu Seafood | Norske Skog Tasman | PGG Wrightsons | Sanford -Silver Fern Farms | Southern Pastures | Turners and Growers | Westland | Zespri
Growth Enterprise
BBC Technologies | Corban Viticulture | Dynamic Controls | Flotech | Ice Breaker | Plus Group | Robotics Plus | Southern Spars | Super Organic Dairy Limited | Swazi Apparel | Waratah NZ Limited | Zero
Commerical Enterprise
Bendon | Datacom | Independent News Papers Limited | Mitre 10 | New Zealand Post | Noel Leeming | Pacific Retail | Postie Plus | Sime Darby | The Warehouse Limited | Tourism Holdings Limited | Vibrac
Maori Enterprise
Lake Rotoaira Forest Trust | New Zealand Maori Tourism | Ngai Iwi (Tamaki Makaurau Iwi Collective) | Ngati Haua - Ngati Porou Holding Company | Ngati Whatua Whai Maia | Parininihi ki Waitotara - Tairawhiti Iwi (Collective) | Te Arawa Maori Trust Board | Te Hiku Farms (Collective) | Te Kotahitanga E Mahi Kaha Trust | Te Manawa o Ngati Kuri Trust | Te Taitorerau Iwi (Collective) | Waikato Tainui | Wakatu Incorporation
Infrastructure & Construction
Auckland International Airport Limited | Fletchers | General Cable | Gough Group | Hawkins Construction | Hynds Pipe Systems | Kiwi Rail | Mainfreight | Mainzeal | Meridan Energy | Mighty River | PowerCo | Shell Todd Oil | Solid Energy | Toll NZ | Transfield | Transpecs | Transpower
Financial Services.
AMP | ANZ | ASB | BNZ | IAG | National Provident Fund | Suncorp | Tower | Westpac
Socail Enterprise & Health
Auckland War Memorial Museum | Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa | SPARC | Te Papa Tongarewa | Triathlon NZ | Auckland District Health Board | BreastScreen Aotearoa | Enable New Zealand | Guardian Healthcare | Health Alliance | Mid Central District Health Board | Taranaki District Health Board
Innovation & Research
ATEED | Callaghan | Canterbury Development Corporation | Grow Rotorua | Industrial Research Limited | One Farm (Massey University) | Priority | Riddet Institute
Industry Organisations.
Beef and Lamb New Zealand | Committee for Auckland | Deer Industry New Zealand | Motor Trade Association | Packaging New Zealand | Pipfruit New Zealand | Te Hono
Local Goverment
Department of Conservation | Ministry for Primary Industries | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Ministry of Educatioin | Ministry of Health | New Zealand Trade and Enterprise | Office of the Controller & Auditor-General
Central Goverment
Department of Conservation | Ministry for Primary Industries | Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment | Ministry of Educatioin | Ministry of Health | New Zealand Trade and Enterprise | Office of the Controller & Auditor-General
Auckland District Health Board | BreastScreen Aotearoa | Enable New Zealand | Guardian Healthcare | Health Alliance | Mid Central District Health Board | Taranaki District Health Board